
Nerja Costa del Sol

The village of Nerja belongs to the region of Axarquia, from the foothills of the Sierra de Almijara and to the Mediterranean creating the most beautiful coasts of South Eastern Spain. It has two towns: Nerja, the capital, and the Lordship of Maro.

Nerja was born 500 years ago, near the Balcon de Europa, an old tower guard at the time of the Arabic Spain. This beautiful gazebo is now on the south of the city, due to the enormous expansion that has experienced this.

The coastline of Nerja has 14.5 kilometers of magnificent coastline, where on the beaches and coves are offered all kinds of tourist services. The most important point of the coast of Nerja is Burriana Beach, famous for its clear water and white sand.

It should be noted also the natural setting of the cliffs of Maro, unrivaled tropical paradise creeks draining the Arroyo de la Miel. 


Nerja enjoys a warm subtropical climate with abundant sunshine for over 300 days a year. Summers are mild, never exceeding 30 degrees and winters are mild, with temperatures that vary between 12 º and 24 º Celsius. Its calm waters, warm and transparent invite anyone who sees them to enjoy a nice day at the sea.

This heavenly weather is due to the Sierra de Almijara acts as a natural barrier against the cold North winds in winter and heat in summer the central plateau, making a stable Nerja area regarding climate change is concerned.

So anyone visiting this pleasant place can rest assured to enjoy pleasant and quiet beaches throughout your stay.


The night in Nerja offers multiple offers visitors can enjoy different atmospheres, from German to English pubs or tablaos typical local flamingos.

The party in Nerja area focuses on Antonio Millon area, Calle Cristo and Plaza Tutti Frutti. In these streets you can find breweries, rocieras halls, clubs and pubs.

But undoubtedly the oldest and most visited place of Nerja is the nightclub "Jimmy", founded 25 years ago. This club has adapted to the fashion of the moment and today is the most popular for all people who enjoy the night in Nerja.


The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest in the world due to the wide variety of vegetables, legumes, cereals, fish and fruit you have.

This natural food repertoire provides an adequate proportion of critical components in the diet (fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids) that transform into a healthy diet, low in fat and cholesterol at least.

Antioxidants, the most important olive oil act as cardio-protective substances.

These substances are especially suitable for those people with cardiovascular problems, as well as for diabetics or those with arterial problems.

In short, the Mediterranean diet offers many advantages attached to a common distinctive, traditional taste of our land.


The town of Nerja has many possibilities for anyone. In the same old town of Nerja town you can visit the church of El Salvador for example. And we must not forget the incredible viewpoint Balcon de Europa.

In the Lordship of Maro, in the protected area of ​​the cliffs of Maro, is located in Old Paper Mill, built in the eighteenth century by Manuel Centurion Warrior Torres. Four kilometers east of the town of Nerja on the southern slope of the Sierra Almijara, is the Cave of Nerja, 158 meters above sea level.

It is classified as a National Monument and belongs to the European Artistic Heritage. It is visited each year by more than 500,000 people and archaeological sites are considered some of the most important of the Western Mediterranean. The cave paintings found there dating from the Aurignacian period to the Bronze Age.

Another possibility offered by the town of Nerja is to enjoy their traditional Fiestas such as the Pilgrimage of San Isidro, the 15th and 16th of May. The Feast of the Virgen del Carmen, on July 16th. El Cave Festival, also in July. The feast of San Anton, January 16 & 17, and the Feria de Nerja from the 8th to the 12th of October 

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